Sunday, September 30, 2007


Ok, so I've finally managed to mangae this blog after a drought of writing. I've seemed to have forgotten my password and recovering a new one may be a real bitch. I'm on my friend's computer; for some reason I'm able to log on it here. Tell me if that semi colon was misused. Anywho, I shall try to update it more often.

Monday, March 26, 2007

First salvia trip (warning bad grammar)

So I finally tried salvia! Wow, it was such a cool experience, but only just a taste of what I hope to experience soon! Thanks to lovely Danae for bringing this wonderdrug over. :stun:
I guess I'll give a short trip report but most of it isn't as fresh in my mind as it was yesterday. I'm still wondering and trying to figure out what I experienced clearly even it was only for a minute or two I can't rmemeber how long. As soon as I exhaled I got a crazy heat flash and tok my clothes off almost immediately. I didn't feel like I had any control over myself. I also didn't feel like myself and was very confused. I remember falling down on the bed that was behind me. I felt like I was push or thrown down onto the bed, the gravity was fucked. It felt like I was being held by my armpits when I was falling onto the bed and it was very uncomfortable, almost painful. I remember seeing an image of this native man infront of me, vrey small though, (shaman?). I don';t remember any sounds or even hearing the music on the stereo. It delt like one of the walls on the room was missing aswell. Like i could see the outside sunlight. I reember feeling the presence of being out on a certain road near Shuswap lake which I was on the last few days ago. It wasn't the same room. There wasn't a whole lot of visual but the confusion made it seem so surreal. Afterwards I felt like I had experienced a side of me that came out that isn't what I'm liek noramlly. I didn't feel myself at all. I questioned my own character even. very introspective I guess. Im very interested in this drug now. It's stil legal here too. I'm glad. Ta. - Nick

Friday, March 16, 2007

Shambhala 2007! I just need tickets!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Halloween '06 Aren't we sexy?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Boards of Canada's first ever music video!

And what an achievement, my fuck. Dayvan Cowboy, one of my favourite BoC songs! Well go ahead see it for yourselves.
  • "There is no overarching artistic message in this video, you're just meant to go with it. Its about pure sensation - visceral, tactile real world input that overwhelms the senses and goes beyond verbal or written explanation. Consciousness-expanding euphoria"
  • Sunday, April 09, 2006

    189 218

    Monday, January 09, 2006

    From Munich with a hug.

    Well to say the least Munic his a brilliant piece of filmwork. GO SEE IT TODAY! Oh and I met a pretty girl I know. How sweet it is!